Tuesday, June 12, 2012

One challenge at a time isn't enough!

So while working on my Family man challenge, I stumbled across the "Nothing is Free" challenge.  And it captivated me. Modthesims is terrible for my health.  So family man is on hold, mostly due to baby mama drama, while I play a bit with my Woodgate family. 

Three weeks (sim time) and three power outtages (my power) later, I have a family of six.  I have high aspirations for this family.  It has four adults. I'm not sure if that was allowed, but I'm not looking through 26 pages of posts. It's not like I've ever played by the rules 100% anyways.  Not to mention a house with two families is pretty difficult to manage. Especially now that I have started having kids.  I'll move Grady and Alma out eventually.  

Generation One aspires to have a library (Erica), diner (Clark), junkyard (Alma- hey I had to get a male somehow), and school (Grady). I'm feeling a bit ambitious with a school, so that may change.

I have no idea what to do with their kids. So far I have Graham (Clark and Erica) and Abigail (Grady and Alma).

I think Abigail is going to start painting.
Graham might be my fall back school person.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Getting it Together

I decided I needed a place to link everything and talk about my current projects. And maybe I just wanted to have my own space of the internet, and the only thing I could think to do with it involved Sims. Maybe it will be possible to sleep at night with my thoughts somewhere in print. 

I'm always looking for ways to make my gaming experience more complex.  It's about time I compiled all that information in one place.  Plus it's easier to say, "Hey there's a link on my blog go look," than "Yeah I have it bookedmarked, I'll email it to you," only to find out I apparently unbookmarked it.  Possibly this is an organization attempt.

I also have tons of media I would love to share with my family. Admit it, sims do some pretty funny things when left to their own devices.  What better place than a blog!