Friday, November 16, 2012

1.6 A quick trip

It was nice to have Sun Li on the island.  I wasn't a crowd guy, but I liked her company.  It became apparent that I needed to build us a house for our collection of stuff.  Turns out Sun Li was quite handy with trash.

Our island had grown to have a bathroom area, a kitchen area, a bed area, and of course, my garden.   We were limited on space so I had to really research my ideas.

Once I had settled on a design, it was time to plan a trip to Champ Les Sims.

I was excited for our trip to Champ Les Sims. It was the perfect opportunity to continue bonding. Plus  Sun Li was getting stir crazy. The trip would be perfect.  However, on the night before we left, Sun Li got sick.  Twice.  It was hard to watch her get sick, knowing I couldn't do anything. After a heated debate, we decided she should stay home till she was healthy, but I had to go any way because we needed the materials.

Champs Les Sims was beautiful.  I wish I could share it with Sun Li. I spent the first day searching for exotic fruits for my garden. Maybe I could one day make wine.

Until I could make wine,  I'd settle for a bottle to share with Sun Li.

The second day, I looked for supplies for the house.  The locals were nice. Nothing  like my last vacation.  They were chatty.  And enjoyed kissing cheeks. Maybe a little uncomfortable for me.

At the end of the night I was lonely. I missed Sun Li. I liked to think she was looking at the same night sky as me.  It made the distance feel smaller.  At least until I remembered the sun never set on our island. 

In the distance the lights started to dim. It was getting late.  Here I was in the city of love without my love.  I had come a long way in the past couple of months.  I'm not sure I could count on one hand the partners I had on the cruise ship alone.  Now I was ready for the next step with Sun Li.  I guess it's funny what a near death experience could do to you. I just had to figure out the next step.  Maybe marriage? Na, I wasn't quite ready for that.

I returned to base to the worst experience ever. A room full of strangers.  My first thought was avoidance, head right once inside and avoid all those people, at least until the screams hit me.

I turned towards the screams to find the living room engulfed in flames and all the inhabitants watching. Dumbasses. 

While one tourist danced with his pants on fire, my survivor mode kicked in, and I pulled a fire extinguisher out of my... well not sure. But I quickly started to put on the fire.

At least until it quit working.  But   it must have been a bubble in the line because upon inspection I got a mouth full of foam.

The fireman finally showed up, but I don't think he liked crowds either because he stood and looked around.  Pretty sure he was trying to blend in with the travelers.  He was quick to lecture us before leaving.

So with one dead, a pissy fireman, and one antisocial hero the base camp was saved. I was done for the night.

The next morning, I wanted a quiet day to myself, so I set out to find some gems.  I could usually find a pretty good price for them in town.  

"Hey you," a child like voice called from  behind me.  I looked around to see no one.  "You!" the voice shouted again.  Goosebumps rose on my arm as I looked around to still see no one. "Down here dufus!" the voice called.  I looked down just before my foot crushed a small bird.

 "Hey little fellow," I said picking up the bird.  I realized I had missed birds. There wasn't much wild life on my island.  "I'm not little," the bird responded. I could only laugh as he paced my shoulder.

I knew I couldn't keep him.  It wouldn't be fair to him, so with a quick goodbye I let him fly off into the midday sun.

Watching him fly away I knew it was time for me to get home too.  Back to Sun Li. I had made up my mind. She'd soon be my wife.

On another note: I love this picture.

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